We used to go to my family's cabin several times each summer to spend the weekend, celebrate a long holiday weekend, or for a week with my parents. Now that we have two little ones (and all the stuff that they require), our cabin trips have been reduced to just once a year. We go during my parents' personal week and move in, literally, for a few days of fun in the sun. We enjoy the water, nature, and an escape from most of the world. It was so nice not to hear a cell phone or email alerts all day! Here are some pictures of our week at the cabin.
Of course, most of them are of Charlie and Sofie.
They are the stars in our lives!

Charlie is waiting for a boat ride with Grampa, and practicing driving.

Sofie has learned to love the camera, and it loves her!

It was cold, so we spent time inside coloring at the kitchen table . . .
. . .and getting into mischief. These cupboards had all kinds of fun stuff to play with!

Sofie enjoying a few of Gramma's chips.

Watching a DVD before bed.

Chris and I celebrated 9 years of marriage on July 22. Cute, eh?

Rocks were the toy of choice this week. We washed them, dried them, carried them from place to place, and learned about big, little, smooth, and bumpy.

It doesn't get any sweeter than this.

Sofie loved taking a bath on the deck.

Here, have an animal cracker!

Charlie was "cold, cold!"

Our last boat ride of the week.

It was a great time, but we were tired and ready for our beds at home!