Happy Holidays from the Dumonts! It's been a wonderful season. In fact, we've been celebrating all December long. To better illustrate what we've been up to, I've included photos of some special events.
Be sure not to miss our special surprise at the end of the post!
Happy New Year! May 2011 be filled with joy, peace, and good things for all!

This is our holiday card. I've accepted that perfect photos of three year olds rarely exist. These aren't bad, however.

Our visit with Santa at Macy's downtown went very well. It was a fun morning as a family, followed by lunch out, a special treat!

Sofie dressed in her holiday best as she gets ready to sing (or just observe) in the holiday pageant at church.

Celebrating Christmas at Gramma Kathy's and Grampa Jeff's.
"Can we open presents NOW?"

Charlie got what he's always wanted, an umbrella!

Our tree Christmas morning, just after Santa's arrival.
And our special gift this year . . .

Baby number three, due July 7, 2011.
Charlie has already named the baby, "Super Baby Rocket Ship"
Sounds good to me, at least until its arrival.
Love and glad tidings to all!
The Dumonts
1 comment:
Yay! Yay! Yay! Congratulations on Baby #3!! I can't believe how big Charlie and Sophie are!! Almost 4...where has the time gone!
Happy New Year Dumonts!
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