We've had a busy couple of weeks! We've had lots of play dates, can't wait to play outside in the yard every day, and went to the Zoo with Mom and Gramma Kathy. We knew Charlie and Sofie would love the baby animals and they did! It was so funny to hear them mooing as they walked through the cow barn! We also had a fun Easter with lots of friends and family and we even got to meet the Easter Bunny!

Waiting in line (with everyone else in the world) to go to the MN Zoo

We saw a goose sitting on her egg

Here's a mama monkey with her baby

Gramma Kathy and Charlie

Charlie and Sofie got to pet a baby goat (kid)


Outside looking at the goats

Piglets! Look how clean and pink they are!

Charlie put his finger in the piglets nose and mouth! Yuck!

Sofie posing in the barn.

They were mesmerized by the aquarium.

We could have watched the fish all day!

Charlie wearing Chris's Crocs.

Charlie and Sofie hanging out with Claire

Saying hello to the Easter Bunny

Myles and Charlie just hangin' out

Is this the cutest picture, or what!
Happy Spring Everyone!