Monday, October 6, 2008

More fall photos

Here are some more pictures we took this weekend. Both Charlie and Sofie like to taste the wood chips at the park. Yum! It has been the most beautiful fall in MN so far. We are also in love with our neighborhood where we have big, beautiful, old trees (which means lots of leaves to rake) and charming streets and parks to stroll through.

Also included is a picture of Charlie and Sofie with their friend Claire, my friend Lindsay's little one.

Thanks, again, for checking out our blog!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ahhh, we love this weather! Sunny, cool days are our favorites! Charlie and Sofie love the big, red maple leaves in the yard. They hold on to them like they are precious treasures . . . so cute!

Sofie is catching up with her brother in the walking department. I like to call her Walker, Texas Ranger as she stumbles around the house. Again, cute.

Here are some videos of our two toddlers.